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Henry Ford's Model T introduced in America in 1909 was cheaper because it was made on the assembly line It brought cars closer towards the reach of ordinary people With the popularity of the car, registration became a must in 1903 with the motor car act Competency tests were introduced in 1935 Today, the legal driving age for a car in the UK is 17 You are not allowed toAssemblyLine Worker 流水线工人 影响技能 手工艺3星以上 Assistant Principal 副校长 影响技能 心智4星以上 At Home in a Bar 在酒吧很自在 蒸馏室和酒吧加士气 Attended Trade School 就读商业学校 士气奖励: 通过建造升级工坊, 影响技能 An absentminded cook 心不在焉的厨师In 12, the company introduced Paloma rapid gas water heater assembly line from Japan In 15, Rheem Group acquired EEMax, a global brand of instant electric water heaters to enter into China market In 17, Rheem acquired the top European brand Intergas, and the wall furnace products were added to our China production line Rheem China not only win the trust from our world

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Assembly Line 攻略 ただのゲームの写真

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